Top 5 Reasons Why Winter Camping Is Great On Great Barrier Island

Top 5 Reasons Why Winter Camping Is Great On Great Barrier Island

Great Barrier Island Camping: Top 5 Reason Why Winter Camping Is Great On Great Barrier Island

Things To Do On Great Barrier Island

Don't let the colder temperatures put you off.  Camping with Stay High Island Camping Co in Winter is enjoyable as.  Once you pick up your Great Barrier Island Rental Car complete with our cozy Roof Top Tent and all the equipment you could think of, set off on a unique New Zealand winter experience.  Instead of snow and crowds, think crisp mornings, warm days, and empty spaces.  We provide extra blankets, hot water bottles, and extra tea and coffee to ensure that you sleep well in the colder temperatures.  Great Barrier Island is most definitely a winter destination, and there are plenty of good reasons why visiting in winter will give you a different experience to a trip during the busier summer months.  Here are the Top 5 reasons why winter camping is great on Great Barrier Island.

1.  The Emptiness.  Winter time on Great Barrier Island is most definitely a quiet time.  The campgrounds will most likely be empty, spoiling you for choice.  The walking tracks will be quiet.  The beaches will be wide open.  The roads will be less travelled.  You are isolated on Great Barrier Island as it is, but this will take it to another level.  Enjoy immersing yourself in Island living at its finest.

2.  The Night Sky.  There's something special about looking at the stars on a crisp winters' night.  Make the most of the extra night time hours and take some extra time to look up and get lost in the stars.  Good Heavens Dark Sky Experiences lead some amazing guided tours.

3.  Mushroom Hunting.  One bonus of some extra winter rainfall is the amazing mushrooms that come out of hibernation during these winter months.  The walking tracks become alive with all sorts of colorful and alien fungi.  Even New Zealand's world famous Blue Werewere-kokako mushroom can be found along the Windy Canyon Track!  Some days will allow you to literally find hundreds of different varieties.  

4.  Kaitoke Hot Springs.  There may not be anything better than soaking in Great Barrier Island's famous natural hot springs on a cool winters' day.  The springs are hot as and with multiple pools to choose from, you can't go wrong.  Many Stay High Campers have hiked in at night for a candle-lit soak.  

5.  Roof Top Tents.  Stay High Island Camping Co.'s epic Roof Top Tent packages provide everything you need to enjoy camping in the winter.  Don't worry about gathering all your gear together from home and getting here.  Know that you can simply turn up and go, be comfortable, and enjoy everything that Great Barrier Island has to offer during this special time of year.   


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